How to make good use of division of audience as a marketing professional I will always say this, you may have the best products but without good marketing communication, your products won’t…
Practical explanation of the process of structure in organizational communication
Practical explanation of the process of structure in organizational communication From the previous read articles that I have provided, we have been able to establish that communication has a big say when…
Practical ways PR professionals can use two-way asymmetrical communication to solve organization and public problems
Practical ways PR professionals can use asymmetrical communication to solve organization and public problems Thanks to the founding fathers of public relations, the role of PR professionals has become very relevant in…
Why control function and emotional expression is important in organizational communication
Why control function and emotional expression is important in organizational communication In our previous discussion, we got to know the essence of the informational and motivational functions in an organizational setting. I…
How to utilize the 6 marketing communication tools as a marketer for your brand in 2024
6 marketing communication tools as a marketer for your brand in 2024 A lot goes into successfully persuading a potential customer to buy into your ideas or take an action that would…
Tips on how to achieve good results in advertising using communication
Tips on how to achieve good results in advertising using communication Marketing is like public relations but the only difference is the former seeks to persuade a potential buyer or customer to…
How public relations personnel can use symmetric communication to help their organizations
How public relations personnel can use symmetric communication to help their organizations The public relations profession has been a reputable one since the time of Ivy Lee and the other fathers of…
How do informational and motivational functions of organizational communication help organizations?
How do informational and motivational functions of organizational communication help organizations? Communication is everywhere and it is unique in every area. This is why the communication process in an academic setting may…
Make Money From Affiliate Marketing Using Advertising Strategy
Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online while you sleep without doing any hard work. Affiliate marketing has become a strategic method to make a living online…
Robust ChatGPT Alternative Web Tool For Twitter – X
X (Twitter) is a popular social media platform allowing users to communicate and engage in presence. It’s a worldwide communication app that enables users to gain followers for their content or activities,…